To enable the best science through the application of cutting-edge technologies, advanced software solutions, and the development of novel algorithm and computing solutions to support NASA’s missions.
The ASTG provides software infrastructure support for the maintenance, development, and operations of NASA Earth System...
The ASTG conducts research in the development of modern software tools, numerical algorithms, and AI-based technologies....
The ASTG provides support to the the NASA Center for Climate Simulations (NCCS) scientific user community including...
The ASTG provides modern software engineering solutions that leverage cutting-edge programming paradigms and the latest...
Each summer, ASTG mentors talented interns through the NASA internship program. The interns are mentored by ASTG members...
Nearly two decades of software infrastructure support for the Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction Program.
We are working on building modern data analytics and visualization tools, novel numerical algorithms, and AI-based technologies in land surface modeling.
Our team works closely with the NASA Center for Climate Simulations and Science Managed Cloud Environment scientific user community to leverage NASA's High-End computing resources.
Our software engineers are working towards an exascale performant Goddard Earth Observing Systems model.
Our team provides mentorship to the next generation of NASA employees through the NASA summer internship program.
Our experts provide free software-training to the Goddard scientific community.