eviz.lib.iviz package
eviz.lib.iviz.base_params module
- class eviz.lib.iviz.base_params.BaseParams(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
The BaseParams class initializes all param and panel objects required by iviz.
- Parameters:
dataInput (str) – input file information, either a param.Selector or a filename;
file (xr) – xarray DatArray or Dataset, ingested by data module;
model (str) – earth system model input or determined;
- __init__(dataInput, file, model, **params)
- Params class
DataSource class as input, use the DataSource.dataInput and the DataSource.yaml_model as inputs Open the file from datasource, either param.Selector, file path, Opendap object Once file is actually opened, get information needed to file parameter bounds, options, slider settings etc. Then pass the opened file and parameters to Dashboard class
- all_variables = True
- avg_by_lev = True
- cmap = 'rainbow'
- cmap_reverse = False
- column_slider = 1
- comparison_source = 'ccm'
- custom_title = False
- diff_types_1d = 'align'
- gif_dim_opts = []
- globallats = None
- globallons = None
- hmdir = '/root'
- logy_z = False
- multi_selector = '/root'
- polar_coastlines = True
- profile_invert_axes = True
- profile_invert_yaxis = True
- profile_logy = False
- react(*events)
- set_attributes(params)
Set attributes/parameters from an input dictionary.
- Parameters:
params (param): dictionary of parameter values
- set_dim_params(model, xc, yc, tc, zc)
Set all xc, yc, tc, and zc parameter objects according to the determined models xc, yc, tc, and zc labels found in the meta_coords.yml file.
- Parameters:
xc (param): dimension yc (param): dimension tc (param): dimension zc (param): dimension
- Returns:
xc (param): dimension yc (param): dimension tc (param): dimension zc (param): dimension
- set_file_selector()
If a data dorectpry is being used, set the ‘multi_file’ parameter.
- set_input()
Set the ‘input’ filename.
- set_plot_types_on_var_change(file, field, xc, yc, tc, zc)
If the selected field changes or the file selected is changed, check and set what plot types are available using the data and dimensions available.
- Sets:
plot_types.options (list): List of all possible plots plot_types.value (list): Default set of possible plots.
- set_xy_clim = False
- set_yz_clim = False
- show_coastlines = False
- show_data = False
- show_grid = False
- show_lakes = False
- show_rivers = False
- show_states = False
- show_statistics = False
- tabs_switch = True
- zero_clim = False
eviz.lib.iviz.config module
- class eviz.lib.iviz.config.configIviz(specs_path=None, **kwargs)
The ConfigIviz class contains information needed to configure iviz for yaml based inputs to the tool. If kwargs are empty, set to defaults.
- airmass_field_name = None
- airmass_file_name = None
- get_airmass()
- get_species_db()
- get_trop()
- load(specs_path)
- species_db = None
eviz.lib.iviz.dash_utils module
- eviz.lib.iviz.dash_utils.cache_projection(proj_str)
Add the current Cartopy CRS projection method to the Panel cache.
- Parameters:
proj_str (str) – input projection string.
- Cached:
projection (method): Cartopy CRS projection method.
- eviz.lib.iviz.dash_utils.cmap_examples(cms, provider, cols=4)
Returns a hv.Layout of hv.Images of colormaps. For each colormap available, create an image depicting color range available. Label each colormap above the image.
- Parameters:
cms (list) – list of strings of name of colormaps.
provider (str) – Colormap provider.
cols (int) – number of columns for Layout.
- Returns:
Layout out of filtered colormap Images.
- Return type:
hv.Layout (hv)
- eviz.lib.iviz.dash_utils.frange(start, stop=None, step=None)
Produce a range given a start, and optionally a stop and step.
- Parameters:
start (int) – number to start range;
stop (int) – number to stop range, optinal;
step (int) – increment between each number in range, optional;
- eviz.lib.iviz.dash_utils.get_regridded_ds(d1_size, d1, d2_size, d2)
Compare sizes of dataset 1 and dataset 2 and regrid large dataset to smaller dataset size.
- Parameters:
d1_size (tuple) – tuple of dataset size
d1 (xr.Dataset) – Xarray dataset 1
d2_size (tuple) – tuple of dataset 2 size
d2 (xr.Dataset) – Xarray dataset 2
- Returns:
2 dimensional array of regridded dataset. regridded_dataset_number (int): regridded ds #
- Return type:
new_arr (array)
- eviz.lib.iviz.dash_utils.get_ylim(d1, d2)
Return the y min and max between two datasets.
- Parameters:
d1 – Xarray dataset
d2 – Xarray dataset
ymin – parameter to set clim min
ymax – parameter to set clim max
- Returns:
Value of colorbar minimum for cbar limit clim_max (float): Value of colorbar maximum for cbar limit
- Return type:
clim_min (float)
- eviz.lib.iviz.dash_utils.set_clim(d1, d2)
Return the colorbar min and max between two datasets.
- Parameters:
d1 – Xarray dataset
d2 – Xarray dataset
clim_min – parameter to set clim min
clim_max – parameter to set clim max
- Returns:
Value of colorbar minimum for cbar limit clim_max (float): Value of colorbar maximum for cbar limit
- Return type:
clim_min (float)
eviz.lib.iviz.dataframe_params module
- class eviz.lib.iviz.dataframe_params.DataframeParams(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
The DataframeParams class configures iviz parameters from an input pandas dataframe dimensions and fields.
- Variables:
dataInput (str) – input file information, either a param.Selector or a filename;
file (xr) – pandas DataFrame, ingested by data module;
model (str) – earth system model input or determined;
- describe = False
- enable_basemap = False
- get_avail_plot_types()
- set_dim_params(model, xc, yc)
Set all xc, yc, tc, and zc parameter objects according to the determined models xc, yc, tc, and zc labels found in the meta_coords.yml file.
- Parameters:
xc (param) – dimension
yc (param) – dimension
tc (param) – dimension
zc (param) – dimension
- Returns:
dimension yc (param): dimension tc (param): dimension zc (param): dimension
- Return type:
xc (param)
- set_input()
Set the ‘input’ filename.
- set_param_values()
Set all parameters for file. Includes configuring fields to the data’s columns, and seraching for longitude or latitude columns. If not found, sets x and y parameters to first and second column in dataframe.
- set_xarray_dim_params(model, xc, yc, tc, zc)
Set all xc, yc, tc, and zc parameter objects according to the determined models xc, yc, tc, and zc labels found in the meta_coords.yml file.
- Parameters:
xc (param) – dimension
yc (param) – dimension
tc (param) – dimension
zc (param) – dimension
- Returns:
dimension yc (param): dimension tc (param): dimension zc (param): dimension
- Return type:
xc (param)
eviz.lib.iviz.notyf module
- class eviz.lib.iviz.notyf.Notyf(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
A notification pane made using Panel and ReacticeHTML components. Produces warning, success, and error messages with configurable durations, positions, etc.
- dismiss_all()
- dismissible = False
- duration = 2000
- error(message)
- ripple = True
- success(message)
- types = []
eviz.lib.iviz.params module
- class eviz.lib.iviz.params.DatasetParams(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
The DatasetParams class configures iviz parameters from an input Xarray Dataset or DataArray’s dimensions and fields.
- Variables:
dataInput (str) – input file information, either a param.Selector or a filename;
file (xr) – xarray DatArray or Dataset, ingested by data module;
model (str) – earth system model input or determined;
- check_for2d_file2(ndims)
For second file, check for 4 dimensions.
- Parameters:
ndims (int): number of dimensions
- check_for_zeros(data)
If all values are zero, contours and filled contours can not be plotted. Check for all 0’s by calculating the mean of the input data.
- Parameters:
data (xr) – xarray DataArray or Dataset;
- format_tc()
Try and except bloc to format the time coordinate of the data.
- Sets:
file (xr): opened xarray file time dimension
- get_3d_fields(data)
Given input data, filter out any fields that have more than 3 dimensions. Only use 3d fields for plotting.
- Parameters:
data (xarray) – xarray dataset
- Returns:
list of strings of each field with >= 3d
- Return type:
plotting_fields (list)
- get_avail_plot_types(data, xc, yc, tc, zc)
Evaluate data x, y, t, and z values to determine what plot types are available.
- Parameters:
data (xarray) – data
xc (str) – x coordinate
yc (str) – y coordinate
tc (str) – t coordinate
zc (str) – z coordinate
- set_attrs()
Check that all attributes that are needed by tool are provided in the Dataset.attrs
- set_avail_plot_types(plot_types, default_plots, current_plots=None)
Set plot types widgets options for suer selection.
- Parameters:
plot_types (dict) – plot types available;
default_plots (dict) – default plots;
- set_f2_field(f1keys, f2keys)
Set the variable value for the secondary file.
- Parameters:
f1keys (list) – file 1 keys
f2keys (list) – file 2 keys
- Returns:
default variable for file 2.
- Return type:
plotval (str)
- set_param_values()
Set all parameters for file. Includes configuring fields to the data’s variables, the x and y extents, and defining dimensions that can iterated over for a gif.
- set_proj_from_attrs()
Get the projection attribute from the data if it is provided, and set proj parameter.
- Parameters:
proj (str): cartopy projection parameter
- set_tc_bounds(tc, data, coords)
Set time coordinate slider values and bounds according to data tc limits.
- Parameters:
tc (str) – time coordinate
data (xarray) – data
coords (list) – list of coords from data
- set_xc_xyplot_limits_sliders(data, xc)
Set x-coordinate(xc) xyplot sliders bounds according to data x and y values.
- Parameters:
xc (str) – x coordinate
data (xarray) – data
- set_yc_xyplot_limits_sliders(data, yc)
Set y-coordinate(yc) xyplot sliders bounds according to data x and y values.
- Parameters:
yz (str) – y coordinate
data (xarray) – data
- set_yc_yzplot_limits_sliders(data, yc)
Set x-coordinate(xc) for yzplot sliders bounds according to data x and y values.
- Parameters:
xc (str) – x coordinate
data (xarray) – data
- set_zc_bounds(yc, zc, data, coords)
Set z coordinate slider values and bounds according to data zc limits.
- Parameters:
zc (str) – vertical coordinate
data (xarray) – data
coords (list) – list of coords from data
- set_zc_yzplot_limits_sliders(data, zc)
Set x-coordinate(xc) for yzplot sliders bounds according to data x and y values.
- Parameters:
xc (str) – x coordinate
data (xarray) – data
- update_files()
On file selection change, update coordinate parameters for data, replace variable and dimension values, re-set parameters. Triggered by ‘multi_file’ param.
eviz.lib.iviz.params_util module
- eviz.lib.iviz.params_util.coastlines360(resolution='110m', lon_360=False)
Using cartopy natural earth features, return a Holoviews overlay of 0-360 latitude coastlines.
- eviz.lib.iviz.params_util.get_coords(file)
Get coordinates of input file.
- Parameters:
file (xr) – data;
- Returns:
list of coords found
- Return type:
- eviz.lib.iviz.params_util.get_dims(file)
Get coordinates of input file.
- Parameters:
file (xr) – data;
- Returns:
list of coords found
- Return type:
- eviz.lib.iviz.params_util.get_keys(file)
Get coordinates of input file.
- Parameters:
file (xr) – data;
- Returns:
list of coords found
- Return type:
- eviz.lib.iviz.params_util.get_model_type(coords)
Match the provided coordinates with the coordinates of known models in case model type is not provided by user. If coordinates match a known model type, return the model. If not, return None.
- Parameters:
coords (list) – all data coordinates;
- Returns:
model type if known
- Return type:
model (str)
- eviz.lib.iviz.params_util.get_ndims(file, field=None)
Get number of dimensions of input file, if provided a field, get dimensions of that fields array.
- Parameters:
file (xr) – data
field (str) – variable, optional;
- Returns:
number of dimensions found
- Return type:
ndims (int)
- eviz.lib.iviz.params_util.load_model_coords()
Load the coordinates of all known models types using the config/meta_coordinates.yaml file.
- Returns:
coordinates of all known models;
- Return type:
meta_coordinates (dict)
- eviz.lib.iviz.params_util.regrid_xr(ref_arr, in_arr, regrid_dims=(0, 0))
Regrids input 2D array with respect to the reference ref_arr using scipy interp1d function.
- Parameters:
ref_arr (array) – 2d array to map to;
in_arr (array) – 2d array to regrid;
regrid_dims (tuple) – dimension of array being regridded;
- Returns:
Regridded 2d array
- Return type:
new_array (array)
- eviz.lib.iviz.params_util.regrid_xr_yz(ref_arr, in_arr, regrid_dims=(0, 0))
Regrids input 2D array with respect to the reference ref_arr using scipy interp1d function for the yz data. c
- Parameters:
ref_arr (array) – 2d array to map to;
in_arr (array) – 2d array to regrid;
regrid_dims (tuple) – dimension of array being regridded;
- Returns:
Regridded 2d array
- Return type:
new_array (array)
- eviz.lib.iviz.params_util.set_long_name_in_attrs(file, keys)
For all keys in xarray Dataset, set the ‘long_name’ attribute if not provided.
- eviz.lib.iviz.params_util.set_units_in_attrs(file, keys)
For all keys in xarray Dataset, set the ‘units’ attribute if not provided.
eviz.lib.iviz.time_average module
- class eviz.lib.iviz.time_average.TimeAvg(files, run, tc, all_vars, var_inp)
Create a time averaged file.
- Parameters:
files (list) – all files to average over;
run (pn.widgets.Butoon) – panel button to trigger averaging;
all_vars (bool) – whether to use all variables in provided file;
var_inp (str) – variables to use;
- average_by_time()
Calculate the mean over the time dimension. Write the file to disk, and set the class variable output to the result.
- Parameters:
files (list) – all files to average over;
run (pn.widgets.Butoon) – panel button to trigger averaging;
all_vars (bool) – whether to use all variables in provided file;
var_inp (str) – variables to use;
- Sets:
output (xr): averaged dataset
- label = None
- set_ds()
Determines the input data and opens with xarray, whether provided a filename or a directory path.